Δευτέρα, Μαΐου 16, 2022

Monteverdi: Beatus vir primo, SV 268

This single track from the upcoming album ‘Monteverdi: Selva Morale e Spirituale’ by Le Nuove Musiche and its Krijn Koetsveld; The Beatus vir, a six-voice setting of Psalm 112, comes from this collection, but it may well have been composed earlier. 

The high-spirited solo violin music in this piece is borrowed from a secular madrigal (Chiome d'oro) that Monteverdi had published more than two decades earlier. 

Mixing elements of his secular music into his church works was not unusual for a composer like Monteverdi, who had opened his religious masterpiece, the Vespers, with music from his opera Orfeo. He was quintessentially an opera and madrigal composer who complained in his letters of the distraction of having to write so much church music.

 Composer: Claudio Monteverdi 

Artists: Le Nuovo Musiche & Krijn Koetsveld (leader, harpsichord & organ)

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