Παρασκευή, Απριλίου 18, 2014

O Χριστός και τα πάθη του στη Δυτική Τέχνη

Paintings (in 2.5D) animationby several artists: Sebastiano Ricci, Salvador Dali, Jan Gossaert, Caravaggio, El Greco, Gerard van Honthorst, Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin, Diego Velázquez, Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi, Bramantino, Raphael...

00:04 Sebastiano Ricci - Prayer in the Garden (1730)
00:26 Salvador Dali - Cristo de San Juan de la Cruz
00:35 Salvador Dali - Corpus Hypercubicus
00:51 Jan Gossaert - Christus am Ölberg (1510)
01:02 Bramantino - Vir dolorum (?)
01:20 Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi - Christ in the Desert (1872)
01:44 Caravaggio - Supper at Emmaus (1601)
02:05 Gerard van Honthorst - Christ before the High Priest (c. 1617)
02:21 Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin - Golgotha (?)
02:34 El Greco - Christ on the cross
02:53 Diego Velázquez - Cristo crucificado (1632)
03:22 Raphael - Transfiguration (1520)
03:51 Sebastiano Ricci - Prayer in the Garden (1730)
Music composed and played by Alicia7777777.


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