Σάββατο, Ιουλίου 25, 2020

Ένα κινηματογραφικό διαμαντάκι Made in Yougoslavia

 Όταν οι Σέρβοι δεν είχαν να χωρίσουν  τίποτε από τις άλλες εθνότητες και ζούσαν αρμονικά μαζί τους, η ενωμένη Γιουγκοσλαβία ευημερούσε και παρήγαγε πολιτιστικά αγαθά υψηλού επιπέδου, όπως το θαυμάσιο κοινωνικό δράμα  Rondo, με ένα ερωτικό τρίγωνο και τη δοκιμασία μιας πολύχρονης φιλίας.

Produced in 1966, Rondo was the first full-length film by former musician and screenwriter Zvonimir Berković,Zvonimir Berkovic screenwriter of H-8, a famous Croatian 1950s classic. In both films, he uses musical form as a source for the narrative. As in Mozart's Rondo (which is repeatedly played in the soundtrack) in Berković's film the basic situation - Sunday afternoon chess party - is repeated with small variations, slowly bringing the three character towards a crisis. Very formal, very intimistic and set in a cosy middle-class environment, Rondo was very different from previous Yugoslav film tradition, introducing aesthetic of the modernist psychological novel into Croatian cinema.

"Every Sunday, the lonely bachelor and sophisticated judge Mladen (Stevo Žigon) comes to play chess with his friend, the sculptor Fedja (Relja Bašić), and gradually he falls into an affair with Fedja's wife Neda (Milena Dravić). The chess board is the center of the film, the moves mirroring the emotional developments of the characters."

Rondo (1966 film) - Wikipedia


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