Σάββατο, Δεκεμβρίου 26, 2020

Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards 2020/Ευρωπαϊκό Βραβείο φωτογραφίας άγριας ζωής για το 2020

Hosted by BBC presenters and wildlife experts Chris Packham CBE and Megan McCubbin, this year's digital awards ceremony is an event not to be missed. 

 Broadcast live from the Museum's magnificent Hintze Hall, viewers will be treated to an evening of celebration as we explore the beauty of the natural world. 

 As well as hearing from the photographers themselves, viewers will find out who has been awarded in this year's competition and who will be awarded the prestigious title of Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

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Ο Μίμης Δομάζος ήταν Έλληνας πρώην διεθνής ποδοσφαιριστής, ο οποίος αγωνιζόταν στη θέση του επιθετικού μέσου....