Δευτέρα, Δεκεμβρίου 16, 2019

Ο μεγαλοφυής χορογράφος Ουέιν Μακγκρέγκορ

https://waynemcgregor.com/assets/IMAGES-FOR-FILM-SMALL/Research/_800xAUTO_fit_center-center_75/tedtalk_singlecolumn_filmstill.jpgWayne McGregor - Wikipedia



Γέννηση: 12 Μαρτίου 1970 (ηλικία 49 έτη), Στόκπορτ, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο


«Atomos » :Wayne McGregor's masterpiece 



Dancers move through solos, duets and ensembles in this study of human interaction.


In Wayne McGregor's masterpiece of abstract ballet, 12 dancers portray the emotions beneath the surface of human interaction - the title Infra comes from the Latin word for 'below'. This collaboration with artist Julian Opie was created for The Royal Ballet in 2008, and has been performed around the world to critical acclaim.
Opie's LED figures walk across a screen above the stage for the duration of the ballet while underneath, the solos, duets and ensembles build to a mesmerizing climax, as six couples dance simultaneously within their separate squares of light. Infra explores the feelings we keep hidden from those around us; a crowd surges past one woman who remains still, her private grief gut-wrenchingly evident for the audience, but unnoticed by the crowd. This ground-breaking work remains one of McGregor's finest, and one of contemporary ballet's most emotionally resonant pieces.
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