Τρίτη, Δεκεμβρίου 24, 2019

Υποδεχόμαστε τα Χριστούγεννα με ένα εμβληματικό ορατόριο ανεβασμένο ως όπερα

Μεσσίας (Χαίντελ) - Βικιπαίδεια


George Frideric Handel: Messiah - Claus Guth, Jean-Christophe Spinosi (2009)

Ο Μεσσίας του Χαίντελ σε μία  κινηματογραφημένη παράσταση για την τηλεόραση. Η δραματοποιημένη με τρόπο ανατρεπτικό εκτέλεση του ορατορίου δείχνει τον γήινο χαρακτήρα του υψηπετούς μουσικά έργου.  

Οι προσωπικότητα  του Χριστού, η ριζοσπαστική για την εποχή του διδασκαλία του και οι βασικές αρχές της  ως οδηγός ζωής του σύγχρονου ανθρώπου  παρουσιάζονται από τους τραγουδιστές και τη χορωδία ως δικά τους δρώμενα επί σκηνής και όχι με τη μορφή της καθιερωμένης ακαδημαϊκής  συναυλίας  . 

Drama, Musical | TV Movie 10 April 2009



Hannes Rossacher


Charles Jennens (text)


Susan Gritton, Cornelia Horak, Martin Pöllmann | See full cast & crew

Staged Version by Claus Guth, Konrad Kuhn and Christian Schmidt

Susan Gritton, soprano
Cornelia Horak, soprano
Martin Pöllmann, boy soprano
Bejun Mehta, alto
Richard Croft, tenor
Florian Boesch, bass

Arnold Schoenberg Choir
(chorus master: Erwin Ortner)
Ensemble Matheus
Jean-Christophe Spinosi, conductor

Claus Guth, stage director
Christian Schmidt, stage and costume design
Jürgen Hoffmann, lighting design
Ramses Sigl, choreographer

Hannes Rossacher, video director

Recorded live at the Theater an der Wien, 2009

English subtitles

Handel's The Messiah is quite possibly with Mendelssohn's Elijah in close running the greatest oratorio ever written, and one of the greatest choral works. Some might be put off by that this performance is a staged performance like an opera, but Peter Sellars' production of Theodora worked wonderfully in the same way so there was a good chance that Messiah could work(although it is more "opaque" libretto wise) too. And it did on the most part, but it is true- personal opinion as it'll work for others- that the dancer and the sign language performer no matter how very expressively done they did their jobs were unnecessary, even when you know why and where they were fitted in in the story the production is trying to tell. The picture, sound and video directing are excellent quality though, the production values while not opulent are not ugly either, more very detailed and atmospheric if summed up, and the staging from Claus Guth is thoughtful. To have 8 characters instead of 4 and to not have as big a chorus was an interesting move and it worked very well within Guth's concept of making Messiah a human drama, the individualised characters, contrasted in most cases too to one another, really bring a sense of intimacy that is most moving. The production is impeccable musically, the conducting is tight yet nuanced, the orchestra give the score the style and emotional intensity Handel's music needs and the chorus- all having a sense of personality and identity in performance and how they were directed- sing with much involvement and the Hallelujah and Amen choruses are the meaning of uplifting. The soloists are terrific, Martin Pollman is very amusing while Susan Gritton and Cornelia Horak sing with crystalline diction and with tones that are rich and pure. Their sense of drama is very committed too. Florian Boesch has the right amounts of sonority and flexibility to his voice and he does not disappoint dramatically either, very firm and imposing. Richard Croft as ever sings intelligently and commandingly, some of his gestures are on the stock side but for what he's singing and what he's portraying in Guth's concept it doesn't distract at all. Particularly impressive was Benjun Mehta, his counter-tenor voice is sympathetic, knowing and controlled. He Was Despised either moves or bores the listener depending on how it's done and on their tastes but Mehta gets a lot out of the aria, the words are very intelligently shaped and it is a very moving interpretation. All in all, could have gone either way in execution, reading of it could raise concerns for some, but thanks to how musically impeccable it is Messiah with a humanised actually works. 8/10 Bethany Cox

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