Τετάρτη, Δεκεμβρίου 18, 2019


Barockmusik zum advent/Baroque music for christmas time

Eine Produktion des SRF
Swiss TV Production for Christmas Time.

Miriam Feuersinger - Soprano
Sofia Pollak - Alto
Richard Resch - Tenor
David Greco - Bass
Rade Mijatovic - Accordeon
Cécile Dorchêne - Violin
Joanna Huszcza - Violin
Nina Candik - Violin
Julia Beller - Viola
Kaja Kapus - Violoncello
Guisella Massa - Violone
Sebastian Bausch - Harpsichord
Michael Bühler - Baroque Trumpet
Joel von Lerber - Harp

 A. Vivaldi - L'inverno 00:01 J. S. Bach - Trio: Ach, wenn wird die Zeit erscheinen 03:32 J.S. Bach - Suite No.1, Praeludium 08:41 G.F. Handel - Golden Colums Fair And Bright 11:09 J.S. Bach - Cello Suite BWV 1007 14:28 G.F. Handel - Eternal Source Of Light Divine 17:01 H. Purcell - The Cold Song 20:24 J.S. Bach - Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern 23:05

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