Τετάρτη, Δεκεμβρίου 12, 2007

Edvard Munch

12 Δεκεμβρίου 1863 : Γέννηση του μεγάλου Νορβηγού εξπρεσιονιστή ζωγράφου Εdvard Munch, σπουδαία έργα του οποίου απολαμβάνετε ακούγοντας ταυτόχρονα Rachmaninov .

Welcome to EdvardMunch.Info

Edvard Munch Biography, Gallery of Paintings, Discussion Forums, and much more!

Edvard Munch Painting - The Scream

The Scream -
By Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch was an expressionist painter and printmaker from Oslo Norway. He was regarded as the pioneer of the amazing Expressionist movement. His art work from the late 1800's is the most well known, but his later work is gradually attracting more attention and is quite an inspiration of many of today's artists.

EdvardMunch.info is your source for up-to-date information on Edvard Munch on the web! Here you can learn about by reading a selection of biographies, or you can view some of his hundreds of prints, paintings, sketches, etc. or even learn more by checking out our discussion forums.

This website is a non profit website, for educational purposes only. If you have any questions regarding this website please email us. We do accept donations of all kinds, including content!

Edvard Munch Biography
We offer three different versions of Edvard Munchs biography. We encourage you to take a look at each one and perhaps even discuss the differences between them in our forums!

The first biography is aA brief biography about Edvard Munch and his the history of his life. This provides information on his work, his life and family, and more!

Additional Biography: Starts out "Born on December 12th, 1863, Løten, Norway, Munch grew up in Christiania (now Oslo). He was related to painter Jacob Munch (1776 – 1839) and historian Peter Andreas Munch (1810 – 1863). After the death of his mother, Laura Cathrine Bjølstad, of tuberculosis in 1868, Munch was raised by his father, Christian Munch, until 1889 when his father died..."

The third biography starts out "Edvard Munch (1863-1944) - The Norwegian artist Edvard Munch is regarded as a pioneer in the Expressionist movement in modern painting. At an early stage Munch was recognized in Germany and central Europe as one of the creators of a new epoch. His star is still on the ascendant in the other European countries, and in the rest of the world. Munch's art from the 1890s is the most well known, but his later work is steadily attracting greater attention, and it appears to inspire present-day artists in particular. By Frank Høifødt..."

Edvard Munch Time Line
A look at Edvard Munchs life from start to finish

About Expressionism
This is an informative selection on about Expressionism

Edvard Munch Paintings
We have provided a variety of Edvard Munch's work to you on our website. This is the largest collection of Edvard Munch's work listed on the internet! This is a good collection of some of Edvard Munch's greatest work!

Dance Of Life
The Dance of Life: 1899-1900

The Scream
- Learn all about Edvard Munchs most famous painting!

- This painting was part of the collection that was stolen from the Edvard Munch Muesuem! Find out more!

"The Scream" & "Madonna" were STOLEN!
From the Munch Museet in Oslo Norway by ARMED THIEVES! Find out more about this from our several news sources here.

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