Τετάρτη, Ιουνίου 28, 2023

The Newest Opening at Pompeii: House of the Vettii/ΟΙΚΟΣ VETTII ΣΤΗΝ ΠΟΜΠΗΙΑ: ΞΑΝΑΝΟΙΞΑΜΕ ΚΑΙ ΣΑΣ ΠΕΡΙΜΕΝΟΥΜΕ...

The Newest Opening at Pompeii: House of the Vettii

 2023 POMPEII (UNESCO) Reopened after 20 years, the House of the Vettii is the best preserved house in Pompeii. Stunning frescoes, statuary, garden spaces! 0:00 Introduction 0:53 Location in Pompeii 1:20 Owners and decorators: the Vettii "brothers" 2:19 What makes this house so special 3:51 Fauces- entryway with Priapus 5:08 Atrium 6:20 Winter Triclinium 6:48 Ixion room (triclinium) 9:54 Oecus room with cupid frieze 11:07 Peristyle 13:16

House of the Vettii - Wikipedia

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