Παρασκευή, Νοεμβρίου 09, 2018

Η επίγνωση των ορίων στη μουσική από μια μεγάλη πιανίστρια

Alice Sara Ott: Music can’t be perfection

By Mark Pullinger

Alice Sara Ott is a “no holds barred” pianist. I recall a fierce Boléro that opened her two-piano programme with Francesco Tristano in 2015 that had her wringing her hands. She once tweeted photos of blood on the keys following a rehearsal of Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto. Yet her Liszt with the LSO was full of mercurial wit and a sensitive touch. Catching up with her for Bachtrack’s Piano Month, I wondered how she managed to look after herself.
Alice Sara Ott © Jonas Becker
Alice Sara Ott
© Jonas Becker

“In the end it’s a matter of technique rather than weight or strength or power,” she explains. “I really don’t like this when people say you can tell whether it’s a man or a woman playing just from listening to them. In the end, women have to use different techniques because of the different physical possibilities.”
Alice doesn’t believe in the school of practising for 12 hours a day. “You can play the piano for hours, but mentally you do get tired. Music lives through so many other things. One should have time to read and to listen to recordings, to do research and study the score. It’s a waste of time if you just sit there and move your fingers for the sake of practising.”[.........]

Alice Sara Ott: Music can't be perfection | by Bachtrack for classical ...

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