Κυριακή, Δεκεμβρίου 10, 2017

Η όπερα των μεγάλων μορφών της Ιστορίας

Satyagraha (opera) - Wikipedia



Philip Glass -- Satyagraha -- Act 2 - Tagore (Rotterdam 1980)

 WORLD PREMIERE RECORDING (live) Rotterdam 1980 1 Confrontation and Rescue (1896) 00:00 2 Indian Opinion (1906) 15:52 3 Protest (1908) 31:20 


Miss Schlesen -- Claudia Cummings, soprano Mrs. Naidoo -- Iris Hashishkee, soprano Kasturbai -- Beverly Morgan. contralto Mahatma Ghandi -- Douglas Perry, tenor Mr. Kallenbach -- Bruce Hall. bariton Parsi Rustomji -- Richard Gill, bass Mrs. Alexander -- Rhonda Lyss, contralto Lord Krishna -- Tom Heanen, bass Prince Arjana -- René Claassen, tenor Choir of the Rotterdam Conservatorium Utrecht Symphony Orchestra Bruce Ferden Rotterdamse Schouwburg - September 5, 1980 commissioned by the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands Dutch Radio Recording


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