Παρασκευή, Σεπτεμβρίου 24, 2010


Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)

Se l'aura spira

Se l’aura spira tutta vezzosa At the graceful dancing of the breezes,
La fresca rosa ridente sta, the fresh rose stands smiling,
La siepe ombrosa di bei smeraldi the shady hedge of beautiful emeralds
D’estivi caldi timor non ha. has no fear of summer’s heat.
A’balli, a’balli liete venite, To the dance, to the happy dance,
Ninfe gradite, fior di beltà, come, welcome Nymphs, flower of beauty,
Or che si chiaro il vago fonte now that the shimmering spring
Dall’alto monte al mar sen va. runs clear from the high mountain to the sea.
Suoi dolci versi spiega l’augello, The birds unfold their sweet verses
E l’arboscello fiorito sta. and the shrubs stand in bloom.
Un volto bello all’ombra accanto In the nearby shade let one beautiful face
Sol si dia vanto d’aver pietà. alone boast of having compassion.
Al canto, Ninfe ridenti, Sing, smiling nymphs,
Scacciate i venti di crudeltà. chase away the winds of cruelty.

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