Παρασκευή, Φεβρουαρίου 13, 2015

Οι μουσικές του κόσμου

 Oum* - "Lik"(Σε σένα)
Live au Petit Bain - 29/05/13
Nouvel Album "Soul of Morocco" déjà disponible
To you

Bghit ngol lik sh7al men kalma
I want to tell you so many words
Bghit nghani lik sh7al men naghma
I want to sing to you so many melodies
Bghitak tshouf datak f'9albi w terta7
I want you to see yourself relieved in my heart
Bghit nash8ad lik w ngoul sh7al tanbghik
I want testify to you and tell how much I love you
M3ak 3asht o7lamt, w tmenit, w 7a9a9t w mazel
With you l lived, dreamed, wished and achieved and more to come
Bghit n-tof w nshouf m3ak boldan w b7or a rassi w jbal
I want to travel and see countries, seas and mountains

Lyoum hani wa9fa fat7a ro7i lik
Here I am opening my soul to you today
Lyoum hani w'kol ma fia 8dito lik
Here I am offering myself and all I am to you today

D3it l'rabbi kemel lik kol matatmenah
I pray God to give you whatever you wish
Tmenit koun yamkan n9arab lik manastenak
I wish I could get closer to you rather than waiting for you
M3ak ghanit wa shta7t, wa d7akt, w bkit, w l3abt w mazel
With you I sung, danced, laughed, cried and played and more to come

Bghit n7ass w ndo9 w na7yi ro7 nraya7 l'bal
I want to feel and taste & revive my soul and relieve my mind

Lyoum hani wa9fa fat7a ro7i lik
Here I am opening my soul to you today
Lyoum hani w'kol ma fia 8dito lik
Here I am offering myself and all I am to you today

7abit nor li sakna fi 3inik
I loved the light that lives in your eyes
7alit ktab mektabi wa ktabt 7rouf smitak nta fi8
I opened the book of my Fate n wrote the letters of your name in it.

Lyoum hani wa9fa fat7a ro7i lik
Here I am opening my soul to you today
Lyoum hani w'kol ma fia 8dito lik
Here I am offering myself and all I am to you today


ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΚΑΙ ΑΚΟΥΣΤΕ ΕΠΊΣΗΣ => Oum : Η μουσική ψυχή του Μαρόκου


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