Σάββατο, Αυγούστου 03, 2024

David Hockney Reloaded

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRfx9w_2PEjatoOr3qjmZnSkKj-FAt6cMop8XRMOgfPGrxn4L3EDavid Hockney

Born: July 9, 1937; Bradford, United Kingdom  
Nationality: British
Art Movement: Pop Arthttps://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTbDV16ffxy1CRWbH7yrhUb51VlKtLs46NcGcI52vG4hefFZQzW-JEx2N9baNZXCrv4QU5Lai6rS1gmizpkGbnn03X1XJhFm3hbwEZEhJQ
Painting School: School of London
Field: painting, design, drawing, photography
Art institution: Royal Academy of Arts (RA), London, UKhttps://media.newyorker.com/photos/5ff74fc9ba9726e1363c9d6e/master/pass/210118_r37731.jpg
Robert Schumann
Six Concert-Studies on Caprices by Paganini Op. 10
I: Allegro molto
II: Non troppo lento
III: Vivace
IV: Maestoso
V: Without tempo indication
VI: Sostenuto-Allegro
Nicolai Petrov, piano
Live recording, 1981
David Hockney is a British painter known for his depictions of life in Los Angeles, a fascination that began in childhood and continued when he visited the West Coast in 1964. Hockney captures the hedonistic spirit, culture, activities and the climate of the city in his Pop art paintings. “I prefer to live in color,” he says of his decision to move there. This move takes him from oil painting to acrylic painting, which gives soft and shiny nuances to his works such as in his series Swimming Pools. He works in engraving, photography, drawing on the iPad, is interested in scenography and cites Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse as his influences. Born on July 9, 1937 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, Hockney attended the prestigious Royal College of Art with the American R.B. Kitaj and took classes with visiting artists such as Francis Bacon and Peter Blake. Today Hockney spends most of his time between the East Riding countryside in Yorkshire and continues to paint outdoors.

Ντέιβιντ Χόκνεϊ: Ο πιο ακριβοπληρωμένος εν ζωή καλλιτέχνης

50 εκτυφλωτικά έργα τέχνης του David Hockney σε υψηλή ανάλυση50 εκτυφλωτικά έργα τέχνης του David Hockney σε υψηλήανάλυση https://www.efsyn.gr/sites/default/files/styles/main/public/2020-06/46-david_hockney.jpg.webp?itok=ZbG4__E6

O ιδιοφυής Ντέιβιντ Χόκνεϊ και οι εντιμότατοι φίλοι του

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