Τετάρτη, Ιουλίου 31, 2019


 Τα τραγούδια που ακολουθούν ακούγονται (και χορεύονται)  ευχάριστα , αλλά δεν ανήκουν στην κατηγορία των σαχλοτράγουδων που κατακλύζουν στις μέρες μας το χώρο τον μίντια.

Γιατί; Για τον απλούστατο λόγο ότι έχουν πολιτικό περιεχόμενο. Η Λεϊλά Μακάλα δε διστάζει να θίξει τα κακώς κείμενα των ημερών , όπου το χρήμα είναι ο μοναδικός θεός , στον οποίο οι άνθρωποι θύουν  τα πάντα, κυρίως όμως την αξιοπρέπεια και την ανθρωπιά τους .



Money Is King

If a man has money today
People don’t care if he has coco peat?
If a man has money today
People don’t care if he has coco peat?
He can commit murder
And get off free
Live in a governor’s company
But if you are poor
People tell you Shu!
A dog is better than you
A man with money walk into the store
The boss must shake his hand at the door
…..?. take down anything
Whisky, cloth, earring and diamond ring

Send it to your home in a motor bike
You can pay the bill whenever you like
And not a soul will ask you a thing
They know very well that money is king

A dog can walk about and take a bone
Found … fish tale and … ..?
If its a good breed and not to wild
People will take it in mind like a child

But when a hungry man goes out today
They send a bulldog behind his legs
When the policmen will take him down too
You see how a dog is better than you
If a man has money today
People don’t care if he has ...?
If a man has money today
People don’t care if he has ..?
He can commit murder
And get off free
Drives to the seat of the presidency
But if you are poor
People tell you Shu!
A dog is better than you.

A New York–born Haitian-American living in New Orleans, the multi-instrumentalist Leyla McCalla draws from traditional Creole, Cajun, and Haitian music, as well as American jazz and folk. McCalla is a former member of the Carolina Chocolate Drops, but her latest record, Capitalist Blues, contains very little of her signature instrument, the cello. While the tunes range from blues to calypso, and folk with some Haitian Creole, she explores connections between New Orleans and Haiti and tries to make sense of the current political "pressure cooker" in which the country finds itself. McCalla and her band perform some of these songs in-studio. - Caryn Havlik
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