Σάββατο, Ιουλίου 20, 2019

No escape from a sideshow fate

Father cried that hot summer day
Playing his accordion
Always making the crowds weep
Grandfather stumbles as he passes the hat around
Collecting the coins from each and every one
Enjoy the sound of a broken heart

When the arrow flies
"Splits" the apple of your eyes
Watch the strong man turn aside and flinch
Not knowing that outside the camp
Something wicked is on its way
Like a line of blood
In the palm reader's hand

No escape from a sideshow fate
No escape from a sideshow fate
There's no escape from a sideshow fate
Enjoy the taste of a broken rule

There's no escape from a sideshow life

Card tricks with passports
And the deck stacked against us
No one sees the mermaid crying in her tank

Behold the circus in the capitol
Perform their pickpocket spectacle
Sentenced to a tightrope life
We don't know the net's been sold

Under the spell of a gypsy's curse
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