Δευτέρα, Σεπτεμβρίου 11, 2023

"O Let Me Weep" by Henry Purcell | OPHELIA

370 προβολές  9 Σεπ 2023
Henry Purcell's famous Plaint "O Let Me Weep", from semi-opera The Fairy Queen. We shot the video in the tiny chapel of the 15th century Qvidja manor house or small castle in Parainen, Finland. The chapel had inspired us immediately on our first visit, when we shot another of Purcell's great songs, They Tell Us That You Mighty Powers  

(video here:    • H.PURCELL "They Tell Us that You Migh...  ). Since then, we have been planning a video for the chapel, involving a wedding in some way.

Purcell was the pre-eminent English baroque composer, whose works include operas and much instrumental music. Many of his songs are beloved by audiences and perfomers for their deep emotional effect, inventive harmonies and melodiousness.

Performed by OPHELIA: Sanna Kola, mezzo soprano, with Tuomas Kourula, archlute and theorbo.

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  ΤΑ ΛΑΪΚΟΤΡΟΠΑ  Γ ιώργος Σικελιώτης (1917-1984), "Οργανοπαίχτες". Λιθογραφία (1978) . Ποιήματα λαϊκότροπα , φόρος τιμής σ...