Παρασκευή, Απριλίου 03, 2020


Η Sarah Jessica Parker παρουσιάζει  το ολιστικό πρόγραμμα γυμναστικής που χρησιμοποιούσαν οι χορευτές του μπαλέτου Τhe New York Ballet Company. Οι χορευτές επιδεικνύουν τις ασκήσεις, οι οποίες σχεδιάστηκαν από τον αφηγητή της ταινίας, Peter Martins, για την εξισορρόπηση της φυσικής κατάστασης, της ζωής και της τέχνης. Η προπόνηση χωρίζεται σε 17 σύντομα τμήματα:

0:00 Introduction by Sarah Jessica Parker
2:30 Section 1: Warm Up One
5:55 Section 2: Warm Up Two
7:25 Section 3: Warm Up Three
9:13 Section 4: Stretches
15:54 Section 5: Abdominals & Leg Darts
20:10 Section 6: Floor Barre 1
24:48 Section 7: Floor Barre 2
30:34 Section 8: Floor Barre 3
32:50 Section 9: Pliés
36:42 Section 10: Tendu
39:42 Section 11: Dégagé
43:14 Section 12: Passé
45:03 Section 13: Front Attitude
47:42 Section 14: Grand Battement Front
49:55 Section 15: Arabesque Raises
51:32 Section 16: Little Jumps
53:47 Section 17: Reverence

The New York City Ballet Workout routine was developed by Peter Martins and the New York City Ballet along with the New York Sports Club.

If you envy the ballet dancer's long, lean body and graceful, elegant movements, then this beautifully produced video is for you. First watch the rippling muscles of four gorgeous ballet dancers performing the warm-up moves to classical ballet music, while Martins narrates.

Then get down on a mat for slow lower-body stretches. A difficult abdominal series is next, followed by "floor barre" exercises to tone the thighs and buttocks while still using the abdominals, then moves to strengthen the back and upper body.

Next is a series of standing exercise segments using various ballet movements to strengthen the legs and postural/balance muscles.

If you love ballet (even just watching it), you'll enjoy this workout

 New York City Ballet 2

06:10 Section 1: Moving Warm Up
17:02 Section 2: Floor Exercises
 39:16 Section 3: Standing Center 
 52:11 Section 4: Reverence
 57:09 Section 5: Teaching Movement Combination 

The New York City Ballet Workout routine was developed by Peter Martins and the New York City Ballet along with the New York Sports Club.

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