Σάββατο, Αυγούστου 10, 2019

100 ημέρες, 100 νύχτες

100 days, 100 nights
To know a man's heart
100 days, 100 nights
To know a man's heart
And a little more
Before he knows his own

You know a man
Can play the part
Of a saint
Just so long
For a day comes
When his true, his true self unfolds

He maybe mellow
He maybe kind
Treat you good
All the time

But there's something just beyond what he's told

100 days, 100 nights
To know a man's heart
100 days, 100 nights
To know a man's heart
And a little more
Before he knows his own

Wait a minute
Maybe I need to slow it down just a little
Take my time

I had a man
Tell me things
Made me feel
Just like a queen
And I thought
He was the one
I would hold
Oh yes I did
But one day
I looked around
That old man
Was nowhere to be found
100 days for this heart to unfold

100 days, 100 nights
To know a man's heart
100 days, 100 nights
To know a man's heart
And a little more
Before he knows his own

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