Κυριακή, Αυγούστου 23, 2015

Oι γυναίκες του Πικάσο

Picasso was infamous for his love affairs. Here are 87 slides of paintings, drawings & photos of the women who inspired him, loved him, and those he drove mad. The muses were:

Muse 1: FERNANDE OLIVIER (1904 -1912)
In 1904, Picasso met a model named Fernande Olivier who would become his mistress for the next seven years. His relationship with her influenced the mood of his paintings and started what is known as his "Rose Period.

Muse 2: EVA GOUEL a/k/a MARCELLE HUMBERT (1912-1915) "Ma Jolie"
Eva Gouel (Marcelle Humbert) was gentle, delicate and frail. Picasso, who was superstitious and believed objects (like paintings) could be used as weapons, was afraid to depict her. Instead, he changed her name and hid little love messages in his Cubist work. Eva was very sick. When it became clear she was dying, Picasso left her

Muse 3: OLGA KHOKHLOVA (1917-1927)
Olga was a ballerina of Diaghilev's Ballets Russes, Picasso's first wife, and mother of his first child Paulo. She introduced him to high society. They separated but never divorced because he did not want her to gain half of his wealth in divorce. They here technically married until her death in 1955

Muse 4: MARIE-THERESE WALTER (1927-1936)
Picasso was 45 years old when he met 17 year old Marie-Thérèse whom he hires as a model for his paintings. She soon becomes his mistress. She appears in his paintings as blond, sunny and bright. Their daughter, Maya, is born in 1935, the same year of Picasso's final separation from Olga. Marie Thérèse always lived with the hope that Picasso would one day marry her. She eventually hanged herself after Picasso's death

Muse 5: DORA MAAR (1936-1944) "The Weeping Woman"
Dora was a Surrealist photographer, poet and painter. Picasso was attracted by her beauty and. She grew up in Argentina and spoke Spanish. She became Picasso's companion as she documented his creation of "Guernica." In the course of their relationship Picasso painted her in a number of guises, some realistic, some benign, others tortured or threatening. Their relationship lasted nearly nine years. Like all the women in his life, Dora was cruelly abused emotionally by the narcissistic Picasso. After he left her, she found solace in Roman Catholicism ("After Picasso, God.")v She spent her last years living between Paris and Provence in the house Picasso had given her.

Muse 6: FRANCOISE GILOT (1943-1953) "The Woman Flower"
Francoise, "la femme fleur," was a beautiful young art student who took up with Pablo when he was well into his 60s. She bore him two children: Claude and Paloma. She leaves him in 1953 because of his abusive treatment and unfaithfulness. Later, she married the American vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk.

Muse 7: Genevieve Laporte (1951-1953)
Genevieve began her affair with Picasso when she was 17 and he 70. Her affair continued until 1953 when she ultimately ended the relationship the same time as his other girlfriend, Francoise

Muse 8: JACQUELINE ROQUE (1953-1973)
In 1953, Picasso meets Jacqueline Roque at the Madoura Pottery where she worked and he made and painted ceramics. Their marriage in 1961 was also the means of one last act of revenge against Françoise. Their marriage lasted 20 years until his death, during which time he created more than 400 portraits of her.

After Picasso's death in 1973, Francoise Gilot whose children had already launched litigation to have their father certified insane, fought with Roque over the distribution of the artist's estate, and agreed to establish the Musée Picasso in Paris.

Jacqueline killed herself with a gun 13 years after the death of Picasso.

*Ο Πικάσσο ήταν σπουδαίος ζωγράφος και μεγάλος εραστή

* Pablo Picasso: η άρρωστη σχέση του με τις γυναίκες |

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