Πέμπτη, Αυγούστου 27, 2015

Τραγουδώντας μπαροκ άριες στις Βερσαλίες

Philippe Jaroussky (born 13 February 1978 in Maisons-Laffitte, France) is a French countertenor. He began his musical career with the violin, winning an award at the Versailles conservatory and then took up the piano before turning to singing. He is noted for a virtuosic coloratura technique and for compelling and enlivened interpretations of baroque cantatas and operas.
Jaroussky was inspired to sing by the Martinique-born countertenor Fabrice di Falco.[2] He received his diploma from the Early Music Faculty of the Conservatoire de Paris. Since 1996, he has studied singing with Nicole Fallien. He has formed his own ensemble called Artaserse, and also often performs with the Ensemble Matheus under Jean-Christophe Spinosi and with L'Arpeggiata under Christina Pluhar.
Here a great concert recorded by MEZZO TV at the palace of Versailles in 1999.
Web site of the artist: http://www.philippejaroussky.fr/

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