Σάββατο, Δεκεμβρίου 01, 2012


Η υπέροχη αίσθηση του έρωτα μέσα από τη μαγεία της μελωδίας.
 Salut d΄ amour:η αθάνατη σύνθεση για βιολί και πιάνο του Edward Elgar ,
 που έγραψε ως δώρο αρραβώνος για την αγαπημένη τουCaroline Alice Roberts ,
 συγγραφέα και ποιήτρια, που με τη σειρά της του χάρισε το παρακάτω ποίημα:
                        THE WIND AT DAWN

And the wind, the wind went out to meet with the sun
At the dawn when the night was done,
And he racked the clouds in lofty disdain
As they flocked in his airy train.

And the earth was grey, and grey was the sky,
In the hour when the stars must die;
And the moon had fled with her sad, wan light,
For her kingdom was gone with night.

Then the sun upleapt in might and in power,
And the worlds woke to hail the hour,
And the sea stream’d red from the kiss of his brow,
There was glory and light enow.

To his tawny mane and tangle of flush
Leapt the wind with a blast and a rush;
In his strength unseen, in triumph upborne,
Rode he out to meet with the morn!

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