Παρασκευή, Δεκεμβρίου 14, 2012


Στρογγύλη, ευτόρνευτε, μονούατε, μακροτράχηλε,
υψαύχην στεινώ φθεγγομένη στόματι,
Βάκχου και Μουσέων ιλαρή λάτρι και Κυθερείης,
ηδύγελως, τερπνή συμβολικών ταμίη.
τίφθ' οπόταν νήφω, μεθύεις συ μοι, ην δε μεθυσθώ,
εκνήφεις; αδικείς συμποτικήν φιλίην.

Στρογγυλεμένη, καλλίγραμη, μονόλαβη,μακρόλαιμη,
 κρασοκανάτα αγέρωχη, με το στενό σου στόμα φθέγγεσαι,
εύθυμη πιστή του Βάκχου, των Μουσών και της Αφροδίτης,
γλυκόγελη, συ που κερνάς ευχάριστα τους συμποσιαστές.
Γιατί, όταν εγώ είμαι νηφάλιος , εσύ μου είσαι μεθυσμένη,
αλλά , όταν γίνω στουπί, εσύ είσαι ξεμέθυστη;
Αυτό είναι αδικία για τη γλεντζέδικη συντροφιά μας!
[Μετάφραση: Gerontakos]

Bache, bene venies

Bache, bene venies
gratus et optatus
per quem noster animus
fit letificatus.

Iste cyphus concavus
de bono mero profluus
siquis bibit sepius
satur fit et ebrius

Hec sunt vasa regia
quibus spoliatur
ierusalem et regalis
babilon ditatur.

Istud vinum, bonum vinum,
vinum generosum,
reddit virum curialem,
probum, animosum.

Ex hoc cypho conscii
bibent sui domini
bibent sui socii
bibent et amici.

Bachus forte superans
pectora virorum
in amorem concitat
animos eorum.

Bachus sepe visitans
mulierum genus
facit eas subditas
tibi, o tu Venus.

Istud vinum, bonum vinum,
vinum generosum,
reddit virum curialem,
probum, animosum.

Bachus venas penetrans
calido liquore
facit eas igneas
Veneris ardore.

Bachus lenius leniens
curas et dolores
confert iocum, gaudia,
risus et amores.

Bachus mentem femine
solet hic lenire
cogit eam cirius
viro consentire.

Istud vinum, bonum vinum,
vinum generosum,
reddit virum curialem,
probum, animosum.

A qua prorsus coitum
nequit impentrare
Bachus illam facile
solet expugnare.

Bachus numen faciens
hominem iocundum
reddit eum pariter
doctum et facundum.

Bache, deus inclite,
omnes hic astantes
leti sumus muntera
tua prelibantes.

Istud vinum, bonum vinum,
vinum generosum,
reddit virum curialem,
probum, animosum.

Omnes tibi acnimus
maxima preconia
te laudantes merito
tempora per omina.

Istud vinum, bonum vinum,
vinum generosum,
reddit virum curialem,
probum, animosum.

English translation:

Welcome, Bacchus,
pleasing and desired,
through whom our spirits
are made joyful.

This hollow cup
overflows with good wine;
of anyone drinks often
he will be sated and drunk.

These are the royal vessels
for which was sacked
Jerusalem and regal
Babylon made rich.

This wine, good wine,
kindly wine,
makes a man noble,
honest, spirited.

From this cup let all
masters drink together
let partners drink
and let friends drink.

Bacchus perhaps conquering
the hearts of men
stirs to love
their spirits.

Bacchus often visiting
subdues them
before you, O Venus.

This wine, good wine,
kindly wine,
makes a man noble,
honest, spirited.

Bacchus entering their veins
with hot liquor
sets them afire
with the heat of Venus.

Gentle Bacchus soothes
cares and sorrows
brings jolly, joys,
laugher and love.

Bacchus a woman's mind
is wont to soothe
and drive her more quickly
to consent with a man.

This wine, good wine,
kindly wine,
makes a man noble,
honest, spirited.

And she who congress
first refuses
Bacchus makes her an easy

Bacchus, a god, makes
a man happy
and makes him equally
learned and eloquent.

Bacchus, excellent god,
all of us standing here
are happy as we drink
your gifts.

This wine, good wine,
kindly wine,
makes a man noble,
honest, spirited.

We all sing to you
the highest praises
lauding you deservedly
through all ages.

This wine, good wine,
kindly wine,
makes a man noble,
honest, spirited.

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