Τετάρτη, Οκτωβρίου 28, 2020

Yann Tiersen EUSA Live Concert Nantes 2016/ O Γιαν Τίρσεν παίζει τη μουσική του για το νησάκι που λατρεύει

Yann Tiersen Nantes EUSA Concert full from 2016 Eusa is the name of the Island Yann Tiersen calls home in Breton Language.In English it is called Ushant, in French it’s Ouessant

 Ushant climate: average weather, temperature, precipitation, best time

 TRACKLIST 00:00 Video introduction 02:43 Hent I - Eusa 05:36 Pern - Eusa 10:47 Porz Goret - Eusa 15:55 Lok Gweltaz - Eusa 19:30 Hent II - Eusa 20:24 Penn ar Roch - Eusa 23:37 Kereon - Eusa 27:34 Yuzin - Eusa 30:48 Roc'h Ar Vugale - Eusa 36:50 Penn ar Laan - Eusa 41:46 Enez Nein - Eusa 47:00 Kadoran - Eusa 48:32 Hent VIII - Eusa 54:09 Introductory movement -The Waltz of the Monsters) 56:38 Prayer, No 2 -The Waltz of the Monsters- 59:25 Naval - Tabarly 1:04:04 7:PM (Les Retrouvailles) 1:07:25 The waltz of the monsters 1:09:40 The Long Road (La Longue Route) - Portrait 1:12:17 La Dispute - Amelie 1:17:35 The old man still wants it - Cascade Street / Portrait 1:19:46 Sur le fil - Portrait / C'etait Ici 1:24:43 Summer Nursery Rhyme, No. 2 ( Comptine D'un autre Ete no2) - Portrait

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