Σάββατο, Οκτωβρίου 31, 2020

ΙΣΤΟΡΙΕΣ ΔΙΑΦΘΟΡΑΣ : Ενώ η αυτοκρατορία του Σλοβένου μεγιστάνα Darko Horvat κατέρρευσε , οι τραπεζικοί του λογαριασμοί του... διογκώθηκαν!


The FinCEN Files · As a Slovenian Tycoon’s Empire Crumbled, His Bank Accounts Swelled


🇸🇮 FinCEN Files Slovenia edition 🇸🇮— Darko Horvat made his fortune in privatization deals after Slovenia split from Yugoslavia. Many of his ventures went bankrupt, triggering an approximate $100 million bailout from the government.

But leaked ‘supicious activity reports’ from banks, which were obtained by BuzzFeed News, show that Horvat may have made millions from his troubled company as taxpayers were saddled with its debts. 

🌐The Big Picture: This investigation reveals information that could help investors who bought into Aktiva, Horvat’s company. 

Kristjan Verbič, who heads the Pan-Slovenian Shareholders’ Association, said the revelation that Horvat secretly received funds from Aktiva may mean minority shareholders were actually victims of fraud. This may give them a basis to reclaim some of their list investment through a legal process.

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