Τρίτη, Οκτωβρίου 10, 2017

Tα φιλαράκια του ρυθμού

Σχετική εικόναA very versatile Mexican band in the 70's. The Band was formed in the Mexican state of Campeche. They performed in many shows in the famous Artistic-Platform called "Siempre en Domingo' hosted by Raul Velasco. Their popularity diminished when their main Singer Ruben Baeza left the band. They have been playing at the Rhythm of CUMBIA songs as well as ROMANTIC music. Some of their HITS being played in the Hispanic Radio Stations included: "Chilito Piquin","Mambo #8", "Vamos a platicar", "Mira lo que son las cosas" (Yaco Monti), and the song of the new millenum… "Llorar", etc. Their original Singer already passed away. They were nominated to the Grammy Award for Best Traditional Tropical Latin Album in 1985, for their song: "Y ahora!", but they lost to Eddie Palmieri( "Palo Pa Rumba"). In the year 2004, they shared the nomination with Grupo Limite, Bronco El Gigante de America and Los Temerarios…who took the winning place for the Best Grupera Performance, under the classification of Mexican Cumbia…New updates are available at their website…http://sociosdelritmo.blogspot.com/ or e-mail…sociosdelritmo@gmail.com…..

07/30/2011 Update by LocutorMysterio

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