Πέμπτη, Σεπτεμβρίου 22, 2016


Dominique Visse, counter tenor
Ensemble Café Zimmermann
Michel Corrette: La Marche du Huron
Philippe Courbois: Dom Quichotte
Marin Marais: Sonnerie de Sainte-Geneviève du Mont de Paris
Nicolas Racot de Grandval: La Matrone d'Ephèse
Michel Corrette: Concerto no. 5
Pierre de la Garde: La Sonate

Live concert recorded at the Dominicains de Haute-Alsace, Guebwiller, France
Directed by Michel Swierczewski & Patrice Monnet
This film is available to purchase as IPhone & HD Downloads and as DVD and Blu-Ray formats exclusively on www.micmacmusic.comNicolas Racot of Grandval, born in 1676 in Paris where he died on 16 November 1753, was a French composer, harpsichordist and author.

Son of an actor and painter Daniel Racot of Grandval and Marguerite Poirier, he joined a troupe of itinerant actors from an early age, and then moved to Paris, where he joined Dancourt in the Comédie-Française. At the same time, he accompanied on harpsichord most entertainments and ballets given at Versailles in 1695 and 1696.

Author of many comedies and a few tragedies, most of which have not been printed, he also composed music for several plays, including for Dancourt and Marc-Antoine Legrand. He became organist at St. Eustache.

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  ΤΑ ΛΑΪΚΟΤΡΟΠΑ  Γ ιώργος Σικελιώτης (1917-1984), "Οργανοπαίχτες". Λιθογραφία (1978) . Ποιήματα λαϊκότροπα , φόρος τιμής σ...