Τετάρτη, Σεπτεμβρίου 28, 2016

Αισθήματα , αναμνήσεις, εικόνες

Her tears are falling like the Spanish moss
Into beauty found in beauty lost

So it goes
The summer blooms and fades away
Like moonlight falling on a bed
And there can be no solace in remembering
The words we never said

Faded postcards
Of all the places she loves best
Take her far away
As she presses wrinkles from her cotton dress

So it goes
The summer blooms and fades away
Like moonlight falling on a bed
And there can be no solace in remembering
The words we never said

So it goes
The summer blooms and fades away
Like moonlight crashing to the earth
And there can be no solace in remembering
The way things never were

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