Gerin Oil
[Κείμενο του γνωστού άθεου διανοητή, που δημοσιεύτηκε
στην ιστοσελίδα του , στις 15 Μαΐου 2006,
και κυκλοφορεί στο τελευταίο τεύχος του περιοδικού
Athens Review of Books μεταφρασμένο από τον Άρη Μπερλή]
Hans Baldung Grien: "Οι τρεις μάγισσες", 1514
1. Το Θρησκατέν (ή Θρησκετιδίνη κατά το επιστημονικό του όνομα) είναι ένα ισχυρό ναρκωτικό που δρα άμεσα στο κεντρικό νευρικό σύστημα και προκαλεί ποικίλα συμπτώματα, συχνά αντικοινωνικού και αυτοκαταστροφικού χαρακτήρα. Δημιουργεί μόνιμες αλλοιώσεις στον παιδικό εγκέφαλο, οι οποίες στον ενήλικο βίο μπορεί να επιφέρουν σοβαρές διαταραχές, όπως επικίνδυνες αυταπάτες που είναι δύσκολα να θεραπευθούν. Οι τέσσερις μοιραίες πτήσεις της 11ης Σεπτεμβρίου 2001 ήταν τριπάκια με Θρησκατέν' και οι δεκαεννέα αεροπειρατές ήταν μαστουρωμένοι. Το Θρησκατέν ευθύνεται για τις διώξεις των Μαγισσών του Σάλεμ καθώς και για τις σφαγές των ιθαγενών της Νοτίου Αμερικής από τους κονκισταδόρες. Το Θρησκατέν πυροδότησε τους περισσότερους πολέμους στον ευρωπαϊκό μεσαίωνα και, πρόσφατα, συνόδευσε τη διχοτόμηση της Ινδίας και της Ιρλανδίας.
2. Gerin Oil intoxication can drive previously sane individuals to run away from a normally fulfilled human life and retreat to closed communities of confirmed addicts. These communities are usually limited to one sex only, and they vigorously, often obsessively, forbid sexual activity. Indeed, a tendency towards agonized sexual prohibition emerges as a drably recurring theme amid all the colourful variations of Gerin Oil symptomatology. Gerin Oil does not seem to reduce the libido per se, but it frequently leads to a preoccupation with reducing the sexual pleasure of others. A current example is the prurience with which many habitual 'Oilers' condemn homosexuality.
2. Το Θρησκατέν μπορεί να κάνει ανθρώπους ψυχικά υγιείς να εγκαταλείψουν μια ζωή φυσιολογική και να βρουν καταφύγιο σε κλειστές κοινότητες χρονίων εξαρτημένων. Τα μέλη αυτών των κοινοτήτων είναι συνήθως του αυτού φύλου και απαγορεύουν αυστηρά, συχνά ιδεοληπτικά, τη σεξουαλική δραστηριότητα. Η τάση προς μια αγωνιώδη απαγόρευση του σεξ δεν παύει να εμφανίζεται μονότονα στις ποικίλες παραλλαγές της συμπτωματολογίας του Θρησκατέν. Το Θρησκατέν δεν φαίνεται να μειώνει τη λίμπιντο, αλλά συχνά οδηγεί σε μανιώδεις απόπειρες μείωσης της σεξουαλικής ηδονής των άλλων. Σύνηθες παράδειγμα είναι η φιληδονία με την οποία πολλοί εξαρτημένοι από το Θρησκατέν καταδικάζουν την ομοφυλοφιλία..
3.As with other drugs, refined Gerin Oil in low doses is largely harmless, and can serve as a lubricant on social occasions such as marriages, funerals, and state ceremonies. Experts differ over whether such social tripping, though harmless in itself, is a risk factor for upgrading to harder and more addictive forms of the drug.
3. Όπως και άλλα ναρκωτικά, το ραφιναρισμένο Θρησκατέν σε μικρές δόσεις είναι κατά κανόνα αβλαβές και μπορεί να καταναλωθεί ως τονωτικό σε κοινωνικές εκδηλώσεις, όπως γάμους , κηδείες και δημόσιες τελετές. Οι ειδικοί διαφωνούν ως προς το αν αυτά τα κοινωνικά τριπάκια, μολονότι καθαυτά αβλαβή, οδηγούν σε σκληρότερες και πιο εθιστικές μορφές του του ναρκωτικού.
Medium doses of Gerin Oil, though not in themselves dangerous, can distort perceptions of reality. Beliefs that have no basis in fact are immunized, by the drug's direct effects on the nervous system, against evidence from the real world. Oil-heads can be heard talking to thin air or muttering to themselves, apparently in the belief that private wishes so expressed will come true, even at the cost of other people's welfare and mild violation of the laws of physics. This autolocutory disorder is often accompanied by weird tics and hand gestures, manic stereotypies such as rhythmic head-nodding toward a wall, or Obsessive Compulsive Orientation Syndrome' (OCOS: facing towards the east five times a day).
Gerin Oil in strong doses is hallucinogenic. Hardcore mainliners may hear voices in the head, or experience visual illusions which seem to the sufferers so real that they often succeed in persuading others of their reality. An individual who convincingly reports high-grade hallucinations may be venerated, and even followed as some kind of leader, by others who regard themselves as less fortunate. Such follower-pathology can long post-date the original leader's death, and may expand into bizarre psychedelia such as the cannibalistic fantasy of 'drinking the blood and eating the flesh' of the leader.
Chronic abuse of Geriniol can lead to 'bad trips', in which the user suffers terrifying delusions, including fears of being tortured, not in the real world but in a postmortem fantasy world. Bad trips of this kind are bound up with a morbid punishment-lore which is as characteristic of this drug as the obsessive fear of sexuality already noted. The punishment-culture fostered by Gerin Oil ranges from 'smack' through 'lash' to getting 'stoned' (especially adulteresses and rape victims), and 'demanifestation' (amputation of one hand), up to the sinister fantasy of allo-punishment or 'cross-topping', the execution of one individual for the sins of others.
You might think that such a potentially dangerous and addictive drug would head the list of proscribed intoxicants, with exemplary sentences handed out for pushing it. But no, it is readily obtainable anywhere in the world and you don't even need a prescription. Professional traffickers are numerous, and organized in hierarchical cartels, openly trading on street corners and in purpose-made buildings. Some of these cartels are adept at fleecing poor people desperate to feed their habit. 'Godfathers' occupy influential positions in high places, and they have the ear of Royalty, of Presidents and Prime Ministers. Governments don't just turn a blind eye to the trade, they grant it tax-exempt status. Worse, they subsidize schools founded with the specific intention of getting children hooked.
I was prompted to write this article by the smiling face of a happy man in Bali. He was ecstatically greeting his death sentence for the brutal murder of large numbers of innocent holidaymakers whom he had never met, and against whom he bore no personal grudge. Some people in the court were shocked at his lack of remorse. Far from remorse, his response was one of obvious exhilaration. He punched the air, delirious with joy that he was to be 'martyred', to use the jargon of his group of abusers. Make no mistake about it, that beatific smile, looking forward with unalloyed pleasure to the firing squad, is the smile of a junkie. Here we have the archetypal mainliner, doped up with hard, unrefined, unadulterated, high-octane Gerin Oil.
Whatever your view of the vengeance and deterrence theories of capital punishment, it should be obvious that this case is special. Martyrdom is a strange revenge against those who crave it, and, far from deterring, it always recruits more martyrs than it kills. The important point is that the problem would not arise in the first place if children were protected from getting hooked on a drug with such a bad prognosis for their adult minds.
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