Πέμπτη, Ιανουαρίου 16, 2020

Για τον πρωινό σας καφέ

La Folia ~ Ensemble Musica Narrans

Nadja Lesaulnier – Harpsichord http://www.nadjalesaulnier.com
 Jakob David Rattinger – Viola da Gamba & dir. http://www.jakobdavidrattinger.com
Lina Tur Bonet – Baroque Violin http://www.linaturbonet.com

La Sonnerie de Ste. Geneviève du Mont de Paris

 La Sonnerie de Ste. Geneviève du Mont de Paris · Jakob David Rattinger Marais Meets Corelli ℗ 2019 Pan Classics Released on: 2019-01-18 Artist: Jakob David Rattinger Artist: Lina Tur Bonet Ensemble: Musica Narrans Composer: Marin Marais
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