Πέμπτη, Ιανουαρίου 26, 2017


Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Shin LimThis is my tribute video to the tragedy that has occurred in Paris, France. My heart goes out to all those affected. Pray. For. Paris
For those curious about the card effects, this is a routine I originated and perform almost on a daily basis in theaters and stadiums. But today I wanted to get away from the loud and grandiose venues, to give something more tranquil. I know my living room isn't the most luxurious background to look at, but hope you guys enjoyed this routine nonetheless :)

For my fellow magician friends: In case you were wondering this is my 52 shades of Red V2 Routine


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Ποιήματα που γράφονται τώρα : ΕΙΚΟΝΕΣ

    Χρήστος Μουχάγιερ  ΕΙΚΟΝΕΣ     Αλάνια έπαιζαν στη γειτονιά μήλα , ξυλίκι , μπάλα  Ποτάμι ο ιδρώτας έτρεχε , της ανεμελιάς το γάλα Μανάδε...