Δευτέρα, Σεπτεμβρίου 24, 2018

1Χ4 από μία Αθάνατη

Η Μαρία Κάλλας ως Μαργαρίτα  ερμηνεύει το L'alttra notte all' fondo al mare, από την όπερα Μεφιστοφελής , του Arrigo Boïto. 
00:00 Studio session for Lyric and coloratura arias, 1954 
07:26 Recital in Los Angeles, 1958  
15:13 Recital in London, 1959  
20:34 Recital in London, 1961
L'altra notte in fondo al mare
Il mio bimbo hanno gittato,
Or per farmi delirare dicon ch'io
L'abbia affogato.
L'aura è fredda,
Il carcer fosco,
E la mesta anima mia
Come il passero del bosco
Vola, vola, vola via.
Ah! Pietà di me!
In letargico sopore
E' mia madre addormentata,
E per colmo dell'orrore dicon ch'io
L'abbia attoscata.
L'aura è fredda,
Il carcer fosco, ecc.

Τhe other night at the bottom of the ocean
my little boy was lying
or in order to drive me mad, they told me
he has drowned.
Dawn is fresh,
the cell gloomy,
and my spirits,
such a sparrow in the woods,
flies, flies, flies away.
Ah! Pity me!
Into a lethargic sleep
I lulled my mother,
and, crowning horror, they say
that I poisoned her.
Dawn is fresh,
the cell gloomy...

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