Τρίτη, Μαρτίου 27, 2007

Yma Sumac: Tumpa (Earthquake)

"Yma Súmac (born in Ichocán, Cajamarca, Perú September 10, 1922), also earlier spelled Ymma Sumak (from Ima Shumaq, Quechua for "how beautiful!") or Imma Sumack, is a noted vocalist of Peruvian origin. In the 1950s, she was one of the most famous proponents of exotica music, and became an international success based on the merits of her wide-ranging voice, which ranges "well over three octaves" and was commonly claimed to span four and five octaves at its peak."
From Wikipedia

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"Born September 13, 1922"

Yma Sumac Official Website

Snow Queen - Ballet on ice in Tampere, Finland - ARTE Concert/Η ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΤΟΥ ΧΙΟΝΙΟΥ -ΕΝΑ ΥΠΕΡΘΕΑΜΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΠΑΓΟ

Η ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΤΟΥ ΧΙΟΝΙΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΧΑΝΣ ΚΡΙΣΤΙΑΝ ΑΝΤΕΡΣΕΝ Η μεγαλειώδης Φινλανδική παράσταση στον πάγο   Το 1844, ο Χανς Κρίστιαν Άντερσεν φαντάστη...