Δευτέρα, Οκτωβρίου 10, 2022

Suede - Life Is Golden (Official Video)

the same blood runs through your veins
the same strange way of talking
the same thoughts sink through your pillow
the same crooked smile

you’re not alone look up to the sky and be calm  
not alone look into the light and be heard
you’re never alone your life is golden golden

the same blood runs through your veins but you have the light of your mother
she holds her love to her tender breast

you’re not alone look up to the sky and be calm  
not alone look into the light and be heard
you’re never alone your life is golden golden

not alone when the world puts all the winter in you
not alone i’m there in the words that you use
you’re never alone your life is golden golden

and they won’t love you tonight
clap along to the resurrection
carve your name in my tender skin with your beautiful words with your beautiful words

you’re not alone look up to the sky and be calm
not alone look into the light and be heard you’re never alone your life is golden golden

you’re not alone cos the same thoughts i have in my head
not alone with the city wind in your hair you’re never alone your life is golden golden


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