Κυριακή, Ιουνίου 30, 2019


Σχετική εικόναOdd Nerdrum - Wikipedia

Odd Olaf Nerdrum (born April 8, 1944 in Helsingborg, Sweden), is a Norwegian figurative painter. Themes and style in Nerdrum's work reference anecdote and narrative, primary influences by the painters Rembrandt and Caravaggio. Nerdrum began study at the Art Academy of Oslo, but became dissatisfied with the direction of modern art, and began to teach himself how to paint in a Neo Baroque style, with the guidance of Rembrandt's technique and work as a primary influence. Nerdrum had seen Rembrandt's painting, The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis in the National Museum of Fine Arts in Stockholm. Nerdrum says seeing the painting was "a shock... Pervasive. Like finding home. I can say I found a home in this picture,... The wonderful thing with Rembrandt is the confidence he inspires - like when you warm your hands on a stove. Without Rembrandt I would have been so poor," By abandoning the accepted path of modern art, Nerdrum had placed himself in direct opposition to most aspects of the school, including his primary painting instructor, his fellow students, and a curriculum designed to present Norway as a country with an up-to-date artistic culture. Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Odd Olaf Nerdrum WikipediaHe, in his own words was chased from the academy after a two-year period like a "scroungy mutt". Years later Nerdrum said; I saw that I was in the process of making a choice that would end in defeat. By choosing those qualities that were so alien to my own time, I had to give up at the same time the art on which the art of our time rests. I had to paint in defiance of my own era without the protection of the era's superstructure. Briefly put I would paint myself into isolation.

Διασχίζοντας τους  χώρους του Μουσείου Τέχνης Yu-Hsiu  για την την ατομική  έκθεση  του Odd Nerdrum.

Ο Casey Gleghorn, Διευθυντής της Γκαλερί Booth NYC, διασχίζει το Μουσείο Τέχνης Yu-Hsiu , στην Ταϊβάν, που φιλοξένησε την ατομική έκθεση Odd Nerdrum, In Limbo. Αυτή η έκθεση σηματοδότησε την  πρώτη ατομική έκθεση του καλλιτέχνη στην Ασία , από το Μάιο έως τον Αύγουστο του 2017στην Ασία.

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