Παρασκευή, Ιουνίου 13, 2008

There are days that leave marks in your soul

Όπως πέφτει το βράδυ κι ο αγέρας μυρίζει βροχή,
η μνήμη σκαλίζει τα fados που μοιραζόμασταν
τα καλοκαίρια της αθωότητας,
μ' ένα ποτήρι κόκκινο κρασί στο χέρι
και τα πόδια ως τα γόνατα στην ανταριασμένη θάλασσα.
Χαίρε Άνασσα, όπου κι αν βρίσκεσαι...

As coisas vulgares que ha na vida
/ (The usual things in your life)
Nao deixam saudades /
(won't make you miss them)
So as lembrancas que doem /
(only the hurting memories )
Ou fazem sorrir /
(or those which make you smile)
Ha gente que fica na historia /
(there are some people who stay in history)
da historia da gente /
( our life's history)
e outras de quem nem o nome/
( and other who we don't even remember)
lembramos ouvir /
(hearing their names)
Sao emocoes que dao vida /
(it are the emotions that bring life)
A saudade que trago/
(to the "saudade" that i bring in me)
Aquelas que tive contigo /
(those i had with you)
e acabei por perder /
(and i've just lost)
Ha dias que /
(There are days that)
marcam a alma e a vida da gente /
(that leave marks in your soul and in our life)
e aquele em que tu me /
(and the one that you've)
deixaste nao posso esquecer /
(left me i can not forget)

A chuva molhava-me o rosto /
(The rain felt in my face)
Gelado e cansado /
(frozen and tired)
As ruas que a cidade tinha /
(the streets that the city had)
Ja eu percorrera /
(i've went along through them)
Ai... meu choro de moca perdida /
(ohh... my young lost girl cry)
gritava a cidade /
(I screamed to the city)
que o fogo do amor /
(that the fire of love)
sob chuva /
(under the rain)
ha instantes morrera /
(died moments ago)

A chuva ouviu e calou /
(the rain listenned and silenced)
meu segredo a cidade/
my secret to the city)
E eis que ela bate no vidro/
(and there it knocks on the window glass)
Trazendo a saudade
(bringing with it the "saudade")

P. S. "saudade" is a felling that you have when something you like is far away or lost. It's like missing something I miss you would correspond in portuguese to : Tenho(have) "saudades" tuas(of you)

2 σχόλια:

Lyric Person είπε...

Ωραίοι στίχοι, με δελέασαν να κατεβάσω το τραγούδι, αλλά τελικά τώρα που το άκουσα, μπορώ να πω ότι προτιμώ σκέτους τους στίχους, μεμονωμένους. Νομίζω ότι μπορώ να μπω στο πνεύμα του "saudade".

Sting είπε...

Εγώ το προτιμώ ολόκληρο. Νομίζω ότι το τραγούδι ως σύνολο είναι από τα καλά Fados. Καλημερούδια!!!

Εσείς σε ποιον γιατρό προτιμάτε να πηγαίνετε , τον ορθοπεδικό ή το ορθοπαιδικό;

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