Δευτέρα, Μαρτίου 24, 2008

24 Μαρτίου : Παγκόσμια Ημέρα κατά της Φυματίωσης


Θα πεθάνω μιαν αυγούλα μελαγχολική του Απρίλη,
όταν αντικρύ θ' ανοίγει μες στη γάστρα μου δειλά
ένα ρόδο - μια ζωούλα. Και θα μου κλειστούν τα χείλη
και θα μου κλειστούν τα μάτια μοναχά τους, σιωπηλά.

Θα πεθάνω μιαν αυγούλα θλιβερή σαν την ζωή μου,
που η δροσιά της, κόμποι δάκρυ θα κυλάει πονετικό
στο άγιο χώμα που με ρόδα θα στολίζει τη γιορτή μου,
στο άγιο χώμα που θα μου είναι κρεβατάκι νεκρικό.

Όσα αγάπησα στα χρόνια της ζωής μου θα σκορπίσουν
και θα αφανιστούν μακριά μου, σύννεφα καλοκαιριού.
Όσα μ’ αγαπήσαν μόνο θα 'ρθουν να με χαιρετίσουν
και χλομά θα με φιλούνε σαν αχτίδες φεγγαριού.

Θα πεθάνω μιαν αυγούλα μελαγχολική του Απρίλη.
Η στερνή πνοή μου θα 'ρθει να στο πει και τότε πια,
όση σου απομένει αγάπη, θα 'ναι σα θαμπό καντήλι
- φτωχή θύμηση στου τάφου μου την απολησμονιά.
Μαρία Πολυδούρη , Ποιήτρια.
Πέθανε στα 28 της χρόνια , το 1930, από φυματίωση .



  • Kings, Politicians, and the Powerful

  • King Edward VI of England, the only son of King Henry VIII, died of TB at 16 in 1553. When Edward died, the throne went first to his sister Mary (known as "Bloody Mary") and then to his other sister, who reigned as Queen Elizabeth.
    • George Washington, American Revolutionary War General and First President of the United States suffered several illnesses that might have been TB; he himself called them consumption.
    • Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady & widow of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, prominent journalist and social activist, died of drug-resistant TB in 1962.

    Poets & Writers

    • John Keats, the English Romantic poet, died of TB in 1821, only a year after his first symptom.
    • Robert Lewis Stevenson, author of "Treasure Island" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," suffered from TB throughout his life
    • Several members of the talented Bronte family died of TB in the 1800s, among them three writers: Branwell, Anne, Emily (author of "Wuthering Heights")and Charlotte (author of "Jane Eyre").
    • Henry David Thoreau, author of "Walden," died of TB at 45 in 1862.
    • Feodor Dostoyevsky, the Russian existentialist and novelist, author of "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov," died of TB at 60 in 1881. He described TB in "The House of the Dead."
    • Anton Chekhov, the Russian doctor and playwright, author of "The Seagull," "The Cherry Orchard," and many short stories, died of TB at 44 in 1904.
    • Franz Kafka, author of "Metamorphosis" and "The Trial," died of TB at 41 in 1924.
    • Katherine Mansfield, author of many well-known short stories, died of TB at 35 in 1923, bleeding to death from a TB related lung hemorrhage.
    • D.H. Lawrence, poet and author of "Lady Chatterley's Lover," died at 45 in 1930.
    • Thomas Wolfe, author of "Look Homeward Angel" and "You Can't Go Home Again," died at 37 in 1938 after brain surgery revealed that TB had spread.
    • George Orwell, author of "1984" and "Animal Farm," died of TB at 47 in 1950.

    Doctors and Scientists

    • Rene Laennec, the French physician who invented the stethoscope, died of TB at 45 in 1826.
    • Thomas Wakley, the doctor who founded the international medical journal "The Lancet," died of TB in 1862 while on a rest cure in the mild climate of Madeira.
    • Doc Holliday, the American frontier doctor (actually a dentist) died of TB at 36 in 1887. He survived the infamous shootout at the OK Corral but succumbed to his TB.
    • Henry Livingston Trudeau, the father of the TB sanatorium movement in the United States, died of TB at 67 in 1915.
    Musicians & Composers
    • Frederic Chopin, the pianist & composer, died of TB at 39 in 1849 after unsuccessful treatment trips to southern European climates.
    • Stephen Foster, composer of "Oh! Susanna," "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" and "My Old Kentucky Home," died of TB at 38 in 1864.

    Artists and Actors

    • Amadeo Modigliani, the Italian sculptor and painter, died of TB at 36 in 1920.
    • Vivien Leigh, who won an Oscar for her role as Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind," died of TB at 54 in 1967 from a TB related lung hemorrhage.

2 σχόλια:

Stelios Frang είπε...

Μια ειδική περίπτωση είναι ο Σούμπερτ, ο οποίος είχε ταυτόχρονα φυματίωση, σύφιλη και τύφο. Δεν εξακριβώθηκε, ποια από τις τρεις ήταν η θανατηφόρα... Λες να πήγε από έμφραγμα στα 31 χρόνια του;

Sting είπε...

Πιθανότατα, με όλα αυτά τα καλά του κόσμου στο κεφάλι του.
Οπωσδήποτε δεν πήγε από χρήση αναβολικών! :)...
Συγχώρεσέ μου την αργοπορία, καθότι δεν έχω τηλέφωνο ακόμα.

ΑΓΑΠΗ ΣΤ' ΑΚΡΑ /THE EDGE OF LOVE: ο ποιητής Ντίλαν Τόμας ανάμεσα σε δύο γυναίκες