Παρασκευή, Νοεμβρίου 07, 2014

Μεγάλες στιγμές της Όπερας

 Το Ιταλικό κείμενο

In questi fieri momenti
tu sol mi resti,
e il cor mi tenti.
Ultima voce
del mio destino,
ultima croce
del mio cammin.
E un dì leggiadro
volavan l'ore,
perdei la madre,
perdei l'amore,
vinsi l'infausta
gelosa febre!
Or piombo esausta
Fra le tenèbre!
Tocco alla mèta...
Domando al cielo
Di dormir quieta
Dentro l'avel...

Η Αγγλική του μετάφραση
Suicide! ... in these
Awful moments
You alone remain to me.
You alone tempt me.
Last voice
Of my destiny,
Last cross
Of my journey,
Once upon a time
The hours gaily flew by;
Lost now is my mother,
Lost is my love.
I overcame the consuming
Fever of jealousy.
Now I sink exhausted
In the darkness!…
I am reaching the end...
I only ask of Heaven
To sleep quietly
Within the grave.

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