Παρασκευή, Σεπτεμβρίου 13, 2013

Η πρόσληψη της Ιστορίας στην Τέχνη

 Ο Λέοναρντ Κοέν για την Ενδεκάτη Σεπτεμβρίου

On That Day
from Dear Heather

Some people say
It's what we deserve
For sins against g-d
For crimes in the world
I wouldn't know
I'm just holding the fort
Since that day
They wounded New York
Some people say
They hate us of old
Our women unveiled
Our slaves and our gold
I wouldn't know
I'm just holding the fort
But answer me this
I won't take you to court
Did you go crazy
Or did you report
On that day
On that day
They wounded New York

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