Παρασκευή, Μαρτίου 08, 2024

Lisa Gerrard & Marcello De Francisci — 'When The Light Of Morning Comes'...

rack Title: ‘When The Light Of Morning Comes’
Album Title: Exaudia
Vocal Melody Composed and Performed by: Lisa Gerrard
Music Track Composed, Performed, Produced,
Mixed and Mastered by: Marcello De Francisci
Record Label: Atlantic Curve | Schubert Music Publishing
Epic Inspirational Vocal

Solo Violin Performed by: Astrid Williamson
Solo Cello Performed by: Daniela Arbizzi
Vocal Recording Engineer for Lisa Gerrard: Simon Bowley
Executive Album Producer: Daryl Bamonte

Album mixed and mastered at:
10,000 Watts of Iron | A Music Company - Los Angeles, California.    
Video Concept, Direction, Creation and Edited by: Marcello De Francisci
Full Album Release Date: 08/26/2022
Order: https://orcd.co/exaudia

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