Κυριακή, Μαρτίου 24, 2024

ΠΡΟΓΕΥΣΗ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΨΗΣ ΣΕ ΕΝΑ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟ ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ :Museum of fine arts Antwerp 🇧🇪 Belgium 🇧🇪 4K 60fps 🇧🇪 modern and old masters 4K UHD full tour

https://news.artnet.com/app/news-upload/2022/09/Gevel_cKarinBorghouts-2.jpgΕικονική περιήγηση στο Μουσείο Καλών Τεχνών της πόλης της Αμβέρσας

We visit the first floor, holding modern art and James Ensor art in the second part.
At the second floor we will enjoy the beautiful art of the old masters, combined with modern touches throughout the halls.
at the upper level, we will visit the modern part of the museum, including sculptures as well
Enjoy the paintings by world renowned artists like van Gogh, Bruegel, Vermeer, Delvaux, ensor, Rubens, van Dyck, van Eyck, Madonna Fouquet, Rik Wouters, Magritte, Modigliani, Titiaan, Alechinsky, Rodin, Chagall and many more

Enjoy this tour now in amazing 4K resolution, highly recommended to play back on a 4K television or beamer, enjoy the museum from your home now.
Thank you for watching!

00:00:00 Welcome to museum of fine arts Antwerp 4K

 00:00:10 First floor

 00:15:24 Second floor

 01:38:06 Third floor



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