Πέμπτη, Δεκεμβρίου 11, 2014

Τα βασανιστήρια της CIA με το πενάκι των αμερικανών γελοιογράφων

Steve Bell 10.12.14

 An image to haunt your worst nightmares. Refers to the expected Senate Intelligence Committee release of a heavily redacted and sanitized report on the officially-sanctioned use of torture and rendition under the Bush regime. The torturers and their apologists are already engaged in a media blitz to rubbish the report and justify the unjustifiable .. (story here)


 "You give me a water board, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I’ll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders." .. (Jesse Ventura)
Senate Torture Report

 157249 600 CIA torture and Bush cartoons

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♫ Tu Bella Ca' Lu Tieni-Oμορφούλα μου εσύ, με το στρογγυλό στήθος/Σε λένε Μαρία, τόσο όμορφο όνομα / Σου το έδωσε η Μαντόνα

L'arpeggiata – Tu bella ca lu tieni lu pettu tundu (Tarantella) Συνθέτης :Pino De Vittorio(1954 ) ...