Παρασκευή, Σεπτεμβρίου 21, 2012


Στο συμπαθητικό  τραγούδι που μας έρχεται από την  ομοιοπαθή Πορτογαλία,
πέρα από την τονωτική αισιοδοξία του, χαρήκαμε την ταινιούλα του που είναι
εστιασμένη σε διάφορα "παιχνίδια", μερικά από τα οποία τα παίζαμε
κι εμείς στα παιδικάτα μας...

[Αγγλική μετάφραση από τα Πορτογαλικά]

Turn off the cable
What links life
In this game
Play me
A new game
With two lives
One against the other

It's not enough this fight against time
This time we waste trying to beat somebody
At the end of the cable
What is given as a gain
Go up to see waste
Without giving anything to anyone

Take a break
Pull the car
Get out of the race
Drop this war
May your goal
Is this part of your life

Level Changes
Get out of the invisible state
Add a manner consistent
With my condition
May your life
Is real and repeated
Give you more than the impossible
If you give me your hand

Get out of the house and come with me to the street
Come, this life you have
For more lives than you earn
What else is your loses if it does not come

Shows your worth
You in this game
So little Valleys
Exchange of addiction
On the other new
Let the challenge
Is melee
Choose your weapon
A strategy that never fails
The strong side of the battle
Put a maximum power
I give you the advantage
You with all
And I no nothing
What still naked
I'll teach you to lose

Get out of the house and come with me to the street
Come, this life you have
For more lives than you earn
What else is your loses if it does not come

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