Δευτέρα, Ιουνίου 20, 2016

Συνεχίζοντας τη παράδοση των φημισμένων ξυλογλυπτών του Νότιου Τυρόλου

Aron Demetz

Aron Demetz (1972, IT) uses traditional woodcarving techniques to convey his preoccupation with humanity’s relationship to nature. In his work he eschews the classical opposition of human and nature, and allows the two to become an inseparable whole, evoking the primordial experience. Born in Val Gardena, in northern Italy, where he still lives and works, Demetz adopted a traditional South Tyrolean technique of woodcarving that dates back to the 17th century. His sculptures – depicting the human figure in classical postures or unusual awkward positions – explore the possibilities and limitations of wood as a material. The resulting works have a strong physical presence, which deeply engage the viewer on a psychological level. After the figure has been carved out of the block of wood the material is submitted to three different 'injuries' or 'lacerations". Its surface gets roughened, burned or covered with drops of resin. All those processes are linked to Demetz' concern for the human soul that he brings to the surface of his material. If the wood is burnt the formerly solid block is rendered extremely fragile. The roughened surface is caused by a milling machine 'attacking' wet wood and suggests ideas of decomposition and decay. The resin collected from the woods appears in various
hues depending on the type of tree it is taken from without further artificial pigmentation. It animates the figure and makes for the most intense gazes. Injury, illness, healing and metamorphosis are the main topics the artist deals with resulting in impressive and touching representations.

Πηγή: http://www.dorisghetta.com

The Organic Sculptures of Aron Demetz | Hi-Fructose Magazine

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