Σάββατο, Δεκεμβρίου 11, 2010


[Αμπού αλ-Ουαλίντ ιμπν Ρουάντ]

Άραβας γιατρός, νομομαθής  και φιλόσοφος. 
Μελέτησε σε βάθος τον Αριστοτέλη και έκανε 
εμβριθή σχόλια πάνω στο έργο του.
Στα πονήματά του επιχείρησε σύζευξη της αραβικής
με την αρχαιοελληνική φιλοσοφική παράδοση.
Τα βιβλία του μεταφράστηκαν στα λατινικά και 
είχαν μεγάλη διάδοση στον κόσμο των λογίων
του Μεσαίωνα. Από αυτά γνώρισε ουσιατικά
η Δύση το έργο του Αριστοτέλη.
Μνημονεύουμε τον μεγάλο Άραβα διανοητή σήμερα,
επέτειο του θανάτου του το 1198, σε ηλικία 72 ετών.

ΔΕΙΤΕ =>Ibn Rushd (Averroes) [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]


I was like you and yes you were like me
We were so much alike but unique as can be
Friends til the end and we were quite the right team
Like those two men Aristotle and Averroes

It was a cold evening near the end of fall
That we made our aqaintance for nothing at all
But the common interest to make melodies
And little did we know the fine friends we would be

At first you spoke little and I said a lot
But in time you would trust me with the depth of your thought
And though we were only young men at the time
We had souls of the ancients with the youth left to climb

I was like you and yes you were like me
We were so much alike but unique as can be
Friends til the end and we were quite the right team
Like those two men Aristotle and Averroes

I was like you and yes you were like me
We were so much alike but unique as can be
Friends til the end and we were quite the right team
Like those two men Aristotle and Averroes

I was walking down the road many took
Studied all the classics learned all the great books
But I listened to the inspiration inside of me
And expected the least but had the courage to see

There was a time when the world didn't know
The way you could make a song from just a few notes
But never did you imagine, never did I
That with difference and some brilliance we'd come back to life

I was like you and yes you were like me
We were so much alike but unique as can be
Friends til the end and we were quite the right team
Like those two men Aristotle and Averroes

I was like you and yes you were like me
We were so much alike but unique as can be
Friends til the end and we were quite the right team
Like those two men Aristotle and Averroes

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