Δευτέρα, Αυγούστου 13, 2007

Serena Ryder : "Just Another Day"

Ιt's just another day, it's just another day
and now that I can see, why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day

It's just another day, it's just another day
and now that I can see, why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day

Come with me, come with me, come with me, it's just another day.

It's just another day, it's just another day
and now that I can see, why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day.

And now that I can see, why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day.

And now that I can see, why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day.

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