Πέμπτη, Φεβρουαρίου 12, 2009


Η σοπράνο Valeria Mignaco αποδίδει εκφραστικά ένα
από τα ποιήματα-τραγούδια του αναγεννησιακού
άγγλου μουσικού και ποιητή Thomas Campion , που γεννήθηκε
σαν σήμερα το 1567 και πέθανε από πανώλη το 1620.
Τη συνοδεύουν ο Alfonso Marin (λαούτο) και
ο Adrian Mantu (μπαρόκ-τσέλο).
Η Συναυλία στο πλαίσιο του Galway Music Festival, το Σεπτέμβριο του 2008

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Faine would I wed a faire yong man that day and night could please mee,

When my mind or body grieued that had the powre to ease mee.
Maids are full of longing thoughts that breed a bloudlesse sicknesse,
And that, oft I heare men say, is onely cur'd by quicknesse.
Oft I haue beene woo'd and prai'd, but neuer could be moued ;
Many for a day or so I haue most dearely loued,
But this foolish mind of mine straight loathes the thing resolued ;
If to loue be sinne in mee that sinne is soon absolued.
Sure I thinke I shall at last flye to some holy Order ;
When I once am setled there then can I flye no farther.
Yet I would not dye a maid, because I had a mother :
As I was by one brought forth I would bring forth another.
The Fourth Booke of Ayres
by Thomas Campion.
Πηγή: Campion, Thomas. Campion's Works.
Percival Vivian, Ed.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909. 187.

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